Welcome to ADHO’s first newsletter! In this periodic email, we share recent ADHO activities as well as those of our constituent organizations, SIGs, journals, and more. Know someone who would like to receive our newsletter? Encourage them to sign up here.
by Susan Brown
I’m honoured to be writing this as the new president of ADHO’s Constituent Organisations Board, and inspired to be following in the footsteps of Isabel Galina, Elisabeth Burr, and Matt Gold in this role.
I feel extremely fortunate about the timing. This is the year when ADHO will finish the massive governance overhaul that has been underway since 2013. It’s taken almost a decade to effect the major transformation in the structure of ADHO which aimed, in the words of Karina van Dalem-Oskam, “to change the ADHO organization into an open, friendly, and efficient community that can continue to work on its mission to further Digital Humanities with more and more new organizations all over the world.” ADHO began in 2005 with just two organizations. It is now eleven, with more organizations from around the world seeking to join.
The latest from ADHO and related conferences.
Emails have also been sent out to our reviewer pool. We rely on our peer reviewer community to shape an impactful conference. Please do respond if you’re able to serve as a reviewer this year! Interested in becoming a reviewer? Learn more here.
Are you a student, or do you know of students, interested in attending DH2023? The organizers are seeking volunteers to support conference activities. All volunteers will receive free registration. This is a great opportunity for students to connect with DH scholars in their fields.
aaDH is seeking proposals to host DHA2023 in either Australia or New Zealand. Proposals are due 28 October 2022.
DHASA Summer School 2022 is taking place 31 October through 3 November 2022.
DHd2023 findet vom 13. bis 17. März 2023 in Luxemburg/Trier statt. Die Anmeldung beginnt am 16. Dezember 2022! / DHd2023 takes place from March 13-17, 2023 in Luxemburg / Trier. Registration will open on December 16, 2022!
ADHO is pleased to be an in-name sponsor of Building DH, a global online free symposium organised by Western Sydney University in partnership with Gale and Pondicherry University. The aim of the symposium is to initiate a global conversation on the conditions which best promote Digital Humanities and help to fulfill its societal and academic ambitions. The event runs over three weeks 6/7 November to 25 November 2022. Register and follow #BuildingDH2022 on Twitter.
What we’ve been working on lately.
Farewells: We’re so grateful for the time, energy, and careful thought put into ADHO activities by Isabel Galina Russell (outgoing COB President), Patricia Murrieta-Flores (EB Secretary), Scott Weingart (Deputy Treasurer), and Micki Kaufmann (Awards Committee Chair). We wish them all the best and are so pleased to continue our work with Isabel, who remains RedHD’s COB representative. We’re also thankful for the wisdom brought to the COB by Evelyn Gius (DHd), Kathleen Fitzpatrick (ACH), Nirmala Menon (centerNet), and Paul Millar (aaDH).
Welcomes: In late spring 2022, Megan Senseney joined us as our new EB Secretary, and we’re also pleased to welcome Melanie Conroy as our new Deputy Treasurer. Erdal Ayan will be transitioning from Communications Fellow to Deputy Communications Officer in January, and Anne Ladyem McDivitt is joining as the new Chair of our Awards Committee. We also have some new and returning faces: Christof Schöch returns as DHd COB representative and COB President-Elect, and Rachel Hendery (aaDH), Nadezhda Povroznik (centerNet), and Quinn Dombrowski (ACH) join the COB. We also are pleased to welcome a liaison between the COBw/EB and our Intersectional Inclusion Task Force (IITF), Dibyadyuti Roy.
For nearly a year, we have been hard at work revising our Admissions and Governance Protocols. These are some of the last remaining tasks that will complete our governance transition begun in 2019. These will be posted on the ADHO website in the coming months.
Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity:
This past spring, volunteers from across the DH community formed ADHO’s Intersectional Inclusion Taskforce (IITF). Learn more about the IITF’s members and the group’s goals.
As part of our ongoing efforts to address structural inequities, we have published an Inclusion Statement, which describes ADHO’s overarching goals when it comes to supporting a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive digital humanities community.
This past month we launched a new site for the Blackwell Companions to Digital Humanities, digital anthologies that ADHO hosts with permission of Blackwell Publishing. Learn more.
In the last few months, ADHO’s Communications Team developed a podcast series for ADHO, CoreDH, in which they interview members of ADHO’s Constituent Organizations (COs). Each interview focuses on one CO and the work it’s doing, along with the research interests of CO representatives. Check out the first three episodes featuring DHd, ACH, and DHASA.
ADHO has a new website! Built in WordPress, it features much of the same content from the previous website with some important updates and is designed with accessibility and usability as guiding principles. Perhaps most significantly, the site will be supporting multilingual content. Look for the launch of pilot French and Spanish translations in late 2022.
Each year, ADHO selects two students and/or early career scholars to join us as Communications Fellows. We’ll be announcing a 2023 call for applications in a few weeks, so please watch for this news and be sure to share with anyone who may be interested!
A selection of recent updates from our constituent organizations.
Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) has elected two co-presidents, Quinn Dombrowski and Roopika Risam. Learn more.
Curious about the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities’ (aaDH) recent activities? Read about their current officers and 2022 annual general meeting.
Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société canadienne des humanités numériques (CSDH/SCHN)
Premier lauréat de la Bourse commémorative Stéfan Sinclair / Announcing the First Stéfan Sinclair Memorial Scholarship
Read messages from outgoing president Geoffrey Rockwell and incoming president Barbara Bordelajo.
centerNet and ADHO are thrilled to welcome Nadezhda Povroznik as Centernet Co-Chair.
Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa (DHASA) is organizing a summer school targeted at interested students (and if the place permits researchers) of the Humanities and Social Sciences who wish to broaden their knowledge in Digital Humanities’ tools and approaches. The summer school will take place from 31 October 2022 to 3 November 2022, which is before and alongside the North West University organized DH conference with the theme “Digital Humanities in Precarious Times“. Learn more and sign up.
DHd (Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum) / Digital Humanities in the German-speaking areas announces its annual conference DHd2023 in Luxembourg/Trier. An essential element of the self-image of the Digital Humanities is the conviction that research, teaching and the scientific community fundamentally benefit from openness. The upcoming annual conference organizers therefore selected the motto “Open Humanities, Open Culture,” which is intended to make this conviction visible and explicit for the DH community and beyond. Learn more about registration and attendance.
European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) seeks to elect three new board members for its Executive Committee for the term 2022-2024. Here is the list of the candidates and their electoral statements. Learn more about becoming an EADH member here.
Humanistica has elected new members for their Coordinating Committee. Read about the current members here.
We send much gratitude to JADH, the host organization for DH2022, and the many people whose dedication, long hours, and careful planning made DH2022 a reality. Be sure to check out the book of abstracts!
Red de Humanidades Digitales (RedHD) recently celebrated their tenth anniversary. Catch up on the event via Twitter and watch the recording.
RedHD y Bonilla Artigas Editores convocan a los afiliados a la RedHD a presentar libros originales de investigación y/o de reflexión crítica y teórica, que aporten conocimientos de calidad y sugieran nuevas orientaciones para la investigación en temáticas, metodologías, enfoques y fuentes bibliográficas, en el área de las Humanidades Digitales, los cuales serán considerados para su publicación en una de dos modalidades, edición y coedición, con la finalidad de fortalecer y difundir las investigaciones en el campo. Esta convocatoria tendrá una vigencia desde el día de su publicación y hasta el 30 de octubre de 2022.
TADH is an organizer for the 13th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, taking place 10-12 December 2022, at National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan.
A selection of news and recent events from our Special Interest Groups.
DHTech seeks nominees for their Steering Committee by November 11, 2022. Three out of the 7 Steering Committee seats will be up for election and to join an active and international DH community.
Looking for some spatial inspiration? Look no further than GeoHumanities’ list of spatial DH projects and resources.
Check out the latest issues from ADHO-supported journals.
Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ) - Issue 16.3
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (DSH) - Issue 37.3
Digital Studies / Le champ numérique - Issue 12.1
Humanités Numériques - Issue 5 | 2022