Welcome to ADHO’s newsletter! In this periodic email, we share recent ADHO activities as well as those of our constituent organizations, SIGs, journals, and more. Know someone who would like to receive our newsletter? Encourage them to sign up here.
One of the true constants in the ADHO world is change; another is our need, as an all-volunteer organization, for dedicated colleagues to serve in many different leadership and service roles. We’ve been tremendously fortunate in our people, and it’s a pleasure to introduce several people who’ve joined our Executive and Constituent Organisations Boards over the past several months, and of course to thank those whose terms have ended.
We are pleased to inform you that ADHO now has new governance and admissions protocols. The Governance protocol describes ADHO’s structure and functions. The Admissions protocol establishes the procedure for the admission of new organizations to the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. As part of the Admissions protocol, we are revitalizing our Affiliated Organizations (AO) program. Learn more about Constituent and Affiliated Organization membership.
The update of these documents was required by the major change in governance of ADHO, initiated several years ago. These structural changes (see details on governance here) have an impact on the admission of new Constituent Organizations (COs).
In honour of the annual International Women’s Day, held on March 8, 2023, ADHO’s Communications team launched a list of Digital Humanities projects by and/or about women, trans and nonbinary people, and gender non-conforming people. We’re still collecting suggestions, so please reply to our tweet to share a project, or you can email us at communications@adho.org.
The latest from ADHO and related conferences.
Following the feedback we have received via several articles, email, and social media, we are reviewing our current structures and practices with respect to the Digital Humanities Conference. Look for more information in the coming months.
DH2023 in Graz approaching! Preparations for the annual ADHO Digital Humanities Conference 2023 – hosted in Graz, Austria, July 10-14, 2023 – are going ahead.
The submission and review process has reached its conclusion: A total of 765 submissions - 157 posters, 294 short presentations, 238 long presentations, 43 panels and 33 pre-conference workshops – received 2,679 reviews! A huge thank you to all those who submitted and/or reviewed.
Notifications about acceptance of submissions to the conference program were sent on March 8, 2023.
Registration for the conference opened on March 9, 2023, so make sure to grab the Early Bird rates for conference attendance (until May 9) by registering at https://www.conftool.pro/dh2023/.
Early-career scholars and students with accepted presentations should Apply Now for a Conference Bursary: All papers and CVs should be submitted via Google Forms. If you cannot access Google Forms, please email your paper and CV to ladyem@stanford.edu to be considered. For more information about the Conference Bursary Award and eligibility, please visit the Conference Bursary Award webpage. Please submit all content by April 14th, 2023 to be considered eligible for the Conference Bursary Award.
All information about the conference – travel, venue, excursions, etc. – is collected at https://dh2023.adho.org/, and you can find out about accommodation options at https://dh2023.adho.org/?page_id=184.
There will also be guided city tours of the lovely city of Graz, and excursions to some of the most beautiful places of the county of Styria: make sure to visit the conference website https://dh2023.adho.org/ during the week for more information and a teaser of what to expect.
ACH 2023 will host its annual conference virtually on June 29-July 1, 2023. The conference will feature a range of sessions, including individual papers and lightning talks, panels and roundtables, installations and performances, and a poster session. ACH 2023 recognizes that digital humanities scholarship is inextricably sociopolitical. Therefore, we have chosen to forgo a theme to emphasize the inherent sociopolitical nature of our work, with particular emphasis on social justice in multiple contexts: anti-racist work, Indigenous studies, cultural and critical ethnic studies, intersectional feminism, postcolonial and decolonial studies, disability studies, and queer studies. The keynote roundtable will feature a conversation about accessibility and digital scholarship. Registration information will be posted soon on the conference website. Questions can be directed to the conference planning committee at conference@ach.org.
CSDH-SCHN Congress 2023 will be held 29-31 May at York University. Read more. | Le Congrès 2023 se tiendra du 29 au 31 mai à York University. Plus d'informations.
Humanistica: La quatrième édition du colloque Humanistica 2023 se déroulera à Genève et en ligne du 26 au 28 juin 2023. Le colloque aura lieu au Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Genève et à l'Université de Genève. Plus d'informations ici. | The 4th Humanistica 2023 conference will take place at the Museum of Art and History of Geneva and at the University of Geneva and online (remote) from June 26 to 28, 2023. More information here.
JADH is seeking proposals for JADH2023, “Possibilities for Data-Driven Humanities,” held virtually by the National Institute of Japanese Literature on September 20-22, 2023, around 9am to 6pm in Japanese standard time. The recent global spread of open science has led to data-driven science, and expectations are also growing for the humanities. Data-driven research in the humanities is still in its infancy, and in many fields, it is rather necessary to construct data for this purpose. Therefore, this conference welcomes a wide range of presentations not only on methods and results of data-driven research but also on data construction in anticipation of such research. Moreover, research topics related to the world's diverse practices in digital humanities are welcome, as in previous years. The call for papers is now open. Please submit your paper here by May 7, 2023 (11:59 pm, HAST). Presenters will be notified of acceptance of their paper on May 29, 2023.
Please submit abstracts via the open conference system by 11:59 PM, May 7, 2023 (HAST). Abstracts submitted should be of 500-1000 words in length in English, including the title. Presenters will be notified of acceptance on May 29, 2023.
Red de Humanidades Digitales (RedHD) announces the La Semana de Humanidades Digitales (Semana HD). La SemanaHD is an online, open, collaborative and free event where, throughout the week of May 8-13, 2023, talks, panels, roundtable discussions and workshops, etc. on Digital Humanities will take place. Any person or research group can propose an online event in the Digital Humanities Week! Submit your online event in Spanish or Portuguese here by the 15th of April.
La SemanaHD es un evento en línea, abierto, colaborativo y gratuito donde, a lo largo de la semana del 8 al 13 de mayo de 2023 se desarrollan charlas, paneles, mesas de debates y talleres, etc. sobre Humanidades Digitales. Cualquier persona o grupo de investigación puede proponer un evento en línea en la SemanaHD! Pueden enviar sus propuestas hasta el 15 de abril de 2023. A medida que lleguen las propuestas las iremos publicando!
TADH is planning the “14th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities” (第14屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會) (December 1- 3, 2023), which will be hosted by the National Cheng Kung University, in Taiwan. More details will come soon.
A selection of recent updates from our constituent organizations.
Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) has elected three ACH Executive Council members for the period 2023-27: Dorothy Berry, Sylvia Fernández, and Lauren Klein. Learn more.
Australasian Association for Digital Humanities (aaDH) Where will the next Digital Humanities Australasia (DHA2023) conference be held? In Australia or New Zealand? The Call for Proposals to Host DHA 2023 is closed and we look forward to an announcement!
Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société canadienne des humanités numériques (CSDH/SCHN) is looking for exciting candidates for the following calls:
Are you a creative and interdisciplinary thinking student or do you know one? Then apply for the 2023-24 Stefan Sinclair Memorial Scholarship or raise awareness about the scholarship. The deadline is May 31, 2023. More information here in French and here in English.
Are you on fire for equality, diversity, inclusion and decolonization? CSDH/SCHN is currently looking for nominees interested in serving on its executive team in the new position of Vice President of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization (VP EDID). More information here in French and here in English.
centerNet is one of our member organizations representing an international network of digital humanities centers. Want to learn more about how you and your center can get involved? Take a closer look here.
Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa (DHASA) The topic of precarity is red-hot and also affects the Digital Humanities. DHASA addressed this important topic in a Summer School from October 31, 2022 to November 3, 2022. Technology paired with humanities was focused as an opportunity for inclusion and the participatory nature of DH was also discussed.
DHd (Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum / Association for Digital Humanities in the German Speaking Areas): From March 13 to 17, 2023, the annual conference DHd2023 took place in Luxembourg/Trier under the motto "Open Humanities, Open Culture". In addition to numerous exciting presentations and discussions, the DHd working groups also presented themselves at the conference. There are currently 17 DHd working groups in the DHd. Nine working groups have also already presented themselves in the German Digital Humanities podcast RaDiHum20.
European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) is looking for an EADH Secretary. The EADH Secretary is an officer of the EADH and a voting member of the executive committee. Learn more here.
Humanistica’s journal Revue Humanités numérique has issued a new call for papers (French). In the ninth issue, it will be about digital dictionary, lexical data & medicine with the focus on: "Circulating in lexical data, eliciting new knowledge: design and uses of digital dictionaries" [Original: « Circuler dans les données lexicales, susciter de nouveaux savoirs : conception et usages des dictionnaires numériques »] Deadline: 1st of July 2023. Learn more here.
La Revue Humanités numérique lance un nouvel appel à contributions. Le neuvième numéro portera sur le dictionnaire numérique, les données lexicales et la médecine, avec pour thème principal : "Circuler dans les données lexicales, produire de nouvelles connaissances : conception et usages des dictionnaires numériques" Date limite : 1er juillet 2023. Pour plus d'informations, cliquez ici.
Our Special Interest Groups are online communities that come together periodically around key areas of concern across the digital humanities. Learn more and get involved.
Check out the latest issues from ADHO-supported journals.
Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ) - Issue 16.4
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (DSH) - Issue 37.3
Digital Studies / Le champ numérique - Issue 12.1
Humanités Numériques - Issue 6 | 2022
Journal of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities - Latest publications
Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities - Volume 6 Issue 1